Steve & Carol Jean Gallagher

Serving with Wycliffe since 1989.

About us

Steve and Carol Jean Gallagher have a passion for God’s Word to reach people in the languages that speak to their hearts. Their involvement in Bible translation for 27 years in Papua New Guinea has prepared them well for their current roles.

As a translation consultant, Steve helps ensure the quality of translated Scriptures in languages of PNG and other countries. As an operations specialist, Carol Jean provides practical support for Wycliffe's Global Workforce Partnerships team as identify priority personnel needs around the world to accomplish the work of Bible translation.

Recent updates

Steve to PNG next week and Carol Jean's new role

August 16, 2024 - 192 words - 1 mins
Steve to PNG next week Steve will be going to Papua New Guinea next Thursday (August 22nd) for a month. He’ll be checking Matthew with the Yamap language team and Exodus with the Malei language team. He has worked with both teams before. In the past few months, he has thoroughly reviewed the literal… read more

Our latest video

Gallagher PD Video from Partnership Development on Vimeo.

Current prayer requests

Last updated on August 16, 2024

Praise God…

  • That the Enga people now have God's Word in their language.
  • For progress being made in Bible translation around the world.
  • For special times with family.
  • For encouraging meetings with our supporting churches and friends in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
  • For safety in all our travels.

Please pray for…

  • The Enga Scriptures to deeply impact the hearts and lives of the people, especially in the areas that were affected by the devastating landslide that happened on May 24th (see previous update).
  • Steve’s trip to PNG - For safety, uneventful travel, health, good relationships and consulting sessions, and for Carol Jean back in Florida.
  • Wisdom and direction for Carol Jean's Global Workforce Partnerships team as they discern personnel needs for the ministry of Bible translation.