April Gallagher Update

April 03, 2023 - ministry prayer
Carol Jean in her role as Pathways registrar

Carol Jean’s work

Carol Jean recently served on Wycliffe's Leads Development Team, which responds to people inquiring about serving in Wycliffe. She had initial Zoom conversations and corresponded with inquirers. If they were eligible and ready to move forward, she referred them to a missions coach, who would walk them through the next steps. Other team members are now fully handling the workload, while Carol Jean finishes revising the procedures manual.

She also served as registrar for the online Pathways course. A total of 28 participants enrolled to explore how God might be leading them to join Him in reaching the nations. She provided daily updates for participants, responded to emails, and kept track of student progress. Together we shared about Bible translation work in PNG in one of the live evening sessions.

Steve’s work

Steve continues to research and write for the Translator’s Notes series, which are translation guidebooks in simple English. His work will help teams around the world make their translations of the book of Exodus more accurate, meaningful, and natural.

Personal tidbits

  • Carol Jean will spend a week with her parents in Wisconsin April 18-25, as her mom is having a second knee replacement surgery.
  • In May we will visit Adam, Lizzy, and Jonathan in Virginia, with a side trip to visit Steve’s family in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
  • Steve’s suitcase has been officially declared lost and unrecoverable. - We are in the process of filing a claim with the airline.

Praise God for…

  • The great people He is leading to join the ministry of Bible translation.
  • The participants in the Pathways course who are seeking God’s will about serving with Wycliffe.
  • Family and friends who have visited us over the winter months.

Please pray…

  • For God’s leading in the lives of those interested in serving with Wycliffe.
  • For more people to join Wycliffe in reaching the Bibleless people of the world.
  • For uninterrupted blocks of time Carol Jean needs to finish revising the Leads Development Team procedures manual.
  • For Steve to make progress in writing helpful translator notes on the book of Exodus.
  • That the claim for Steve’s lost suitcase would be processed successfully.
  • For Carol Jean’s mom’s surgery on April 19th.
  • For personal and spiritual renewal for both of us.