Bible Translation is Snowballing

November 07, 2023 - progress Vision 2025 acceleration snowball

In my (Carol Jean’s) role with Wycliffe, I get the excitement of a front-row seat to see what God is doing around the world with Bible translation. I’ve been amazed and inspired by how the work of Bible translation has been snowballing lately, and I want to share a glimpse with you.

In 1999, our Wycliffe leadership realized that at the rate we were engaging with new languages, it would take 150 years to even begin translation work in the remaining languages that still needed it. The idea of multiple generations living and dying without God’s Word was unacceptable. So God led Wycliffe to adopt a goal that a translation program would be in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025. We call that goal Vision 2025.

What looked impossible in 1999, and even five years ago, now seems within reach! Only God could have brought things together to accomplish the “impossible.” Through prayer and collaboration with like-minded organizations, the rate of engaging with new languages for Bible translations has dramatically accelerated.

Today local churches around the world are rising up and asking for — and sometimes even starting — Bible translation themselves. They don’t want to wait for the work to start; they want to start now!

God is on the move and answering prayers. Vision 2025 is within our grasp. In the next two years, the remaining 1,255 languages (as of Oct. 1, 2023) still waiting for a Bible translation project may see work in their languages begin through the combined efforts of multiple organizations around the world.

Praise God with us for what He is doing, and keep praying for Him to see these new translation engagements through to completion.

Click here for more exciting statistics here, including a larger map showing the status of Vision 2025 by country.