May Ministry Update

May 30, 2024 - Malei Yamap checking consultant serve

Ministry update

Steve has finished reviewing the back translation of the Malei translation of Exodus and is now reviewing the Yamap translation of Matthew. He will be traveling to Papua New Guinea August 22nd to September 21st to do quality checking face to face with these teams.

Carol Jean continues, along with her other responsibilities, to serve on the team that responds to people who want to serve with Wycliffe. Meanwhile, her department is merging with another department, which will enhance communication with a larger group of colleagues.

Praise God…

  • That Steve’s review of the Malei translation of Exodus is ready for face-to-face checking.
  • That the Etulo New Testament dedication happened on May 25th in Nigeria. (Steve did quality assurance checking on 12 percent of their New Testament, plus the book of Genesis.)

Please pray…

  • That the Etulo people will encounter God through His Word in their languages.
  • That God will continue to lead Steve as he reviews the Yamap translation of Matthew.
  • For God to provide people to fill the roles that are needed for Bible translation ministry around the world.

Thank you for your friendship and for being part of the ministry of Bible translation through your prayers and giving.