Steve leaves for PNG today!

January 17, 2023 - ministry prayer PNG

{{ captioned_image(path='images/2023-01-route-to-PNG.jpg', caption='It will be 50 hours between the departure of Steve's 1st flight to the arrival of his 5th flight.') }}

Steve to PNG

Steve is leaving for PNG this evening to check the Gospel of Mark in person with the Musim (MOO-sim) language team. This is an important step for them, as it is their first translated book to be consultant checked.

Please pray…

  • For endurance in travel.
  • For health and safety.
  • For good working relationships with the Musim team.
  • That Steve would help the Musim team improve their translation according to the Lord’s desire.
  • That the Musim people would engage with the translated Scripture and be transformed.
  • For Carol Jean as she remains in Florida.